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Teilen Sie uns Ihre Meinung mit und sparen Sie nicht mit Kritik. Dieses einzigartige Museum muss noch besser werden.

We are putting together a museum in an old adobe in California and researching a Mexican Grant map. Why does the compass rose on the map have east and west swapped?  Do you happen to have a photo of a compass that matches this map’s compass rose?
Teresa Long (Donator, USA)

I greatly appreciate the effort. you put into your Compassipedia. Thank you.
Joseph Skulan (Donator, USA)

Hello from Boston - thank you for spending them time and effort to put this fantastic resource online.
Stephen Kelly (USA)

Thank you for your amazing website. It is a wonderful resource for “compass curious“ folks from everywhere!
William Cecil (USA)

Vielen Dank für Ihre Expressbemühungen. Ihr Projekt ist ist finde ich nicht bescheiden, sondern beachtenswert.
Michael Haußner (D)

I salute you for that work. Your museum is a great inspiration and a fountain of learning.
Tomáš Hřebík  (Cz)

I today found your fantastic web site. What a wonderful resource and clearly a labor of love. Thank you.
Brian Beker (UK)

Thank you so much for your service and your wonderful site, which is very informative.
Upon receiving the manuals I did an extra donation thru Paypal to help cover maintaining the site.
Mart Steunebrink (NL)

Votre musée virtuel est magnifique et votre travail remarquable.
Didier Bessière (F)

Many thanks for this fantastic resource. It is very informative and interesting. I am happy to donate.
Michael Doveton (UK)

Tout à fait par hasard j'ai découvert sur la toile votre site COMPASSIPEDIA. J'ai trouvé celui-ci riche en renseignements et avec intérêt j'ai consulté ce dernier. Je dois avouer que je suis impressionné par votre savoir.
Gérard Douat (F)

Hi, I’m headed to the donate button… This is a great museum! I’ve learned so much!
Hykea Kile (USA)

Herzlichen Dank für Ihre schnelle und umfassende Antwort! Mein Vater hat den Kompass wahrscheinlich auf einem Flohmarkt gekauft. Gerne unterstütze ich das faszinierende Online-Compassmuseum mit einer Spende.
Doris Wild (D)

Vielen Dank für die Zusendung der hilfreichen Unterlagen. Ich konnte den MK wieder vollständig instand setzen. Auch das remagnetisieren hat gut geklappt, „N“ zeigt jetzt exakt nach Norden und die Nadel schleift auch nicht mehr.
Ralf Bednarz  (D)

(...) Bei dieser Gelegenheit möchte ich Ihnen auch für die hervorragende Arbeit mit Ihrer Homepage «compassmuseum» gratulieren (Henri Habegger - Präsident Verein Schweizer Armeemuseum. CH)

Cela fait trois ans que je pratique Compassipédia, en tant que collectionneur amateur. Ce site est une mine de renseignements, à chaque visite je découvre de nouvelles informations, il m’a permis de créer des fiches signalétiques d’une grande précision. Vous répondez toujours aux questions que l’on vous pose, avec des explications et de la documentation dignes d’un historien. Je vous remercie pour tous le temps consacrez à ce site, et pour votre Compassipassion. (Thierry Steffen, sympathique donateur, CH)

I appreciate your website and the efforts and ressources put into it.  (David Rohrmüller, N)

Absolut tolle Webseite, die Sie geschaffen haben. Hut ab !!!! (Siegfried Krupitz, AT)

Thank you for your advice.  I absolutely love your website and it has sparked my interest in compasses as a collecting interest, as if I needed another one.  The best of luck to you (Ch. Fields, donator)

I’ve enjoyed all of the content of your site regarding the Bézard Compass and its variations.  I’m a Forester, and I use a map and compass every day while on the job. Thank you for building and maintaining the Compass Museum.
Michael Dito (contributor, USA)

I am interested in small instruments in general. I am not a specialist or a collector, but enjoy seeing how technicians and craftsmen have chosen to design instruments. Your site is interesting because of that.
Bill Rudersdorf (donator, USA)

Your museum site is wonderful and I am just coming to terms with what it contains. Question: I want to donate to you but I do not want a Paypal account. Got another way? Answer: When you hit the Paypal button, you are offered the chance to pay with a Paypal account, or to fill in your credit card details and to pay directly from your credit card through Paypal, without having to have a Paypal account. The paypal button gives two options, payment by signing in to a paypal account, or the other part of the page, for those with no paypal account, using a credit card. It is very easy, and people pay me that way very often.
Spencer Sandilands (donator, AU)

Websites such as yours act as brides for knowledge-seeking individuals around the globe. Yes, such a simple device designed so long ago and changed very little... showing mortal people that they have so much in common and are essentially the same.
Scott Monroe (USA)

First of all I would like to say that I've been "wandering" through your site and it has been very interesting. Thank you for the work you've been putting into it!
Lavinia Horia (RO)
Adrian Z. (USA, contributor and donator) Click on image for enlarged view

Rest assured that there was no criticism of you in my first email. I’m sure you have much to do and put a great deal of effort into the project. Indeed, you do not have to look further than the Compass Museum to find evidence of this. The scope and reach of this important international resource is a testimony to your hard work.
Bob Thacker (UK)

Your site is wonderful, thank you for taking the time and sharing your knowledge.
J. Oliver (UK)

(This one is not really lady-like style - and the author was a professor above it all! Poor students...)
...Then you have a toy on your website too. How insulting. It’s a simple compass, but it’s made well and still works. It’s no toy. (...) It was not made for precision laying of tracks, only for carrying in the pocket of the average man for general purposes. I know turn of the century railroad men carried pocket compasses in their pockets, along with their pocket watches. How is it I know more about this than you do, when you’re the curator of a ‘museum’? Your insulting statement is like saying a good pocket knife is a toy because it’s not a top line Swiss knife with everything but a bell ringer on it. What an ass… are you sure your name isn’t Donkey… but then your name smacks of French, and there’s a reason the English refer to the French as frogs. Please do not email me back, I’m sorry I contacted you. As a retired college professor and head of my department and professional artist out of Austin, I expected a KNOWLEDGABLE person to be curator of a museum, especially one in Germany.
Ms. R. Thompson (Austin, USA)

I was looking at your wonderful website as I have recently acquired an A.M. O2 with and azimuth circle. I was trying to find out more about it and noticed that it says that photocopies of AM manuals are available to order. I would love to order a copy. Thank you for creating such a wonderful website with so much interesting information!
Jamie Richardson (UK)

I spend an hour or so on the site every 3 or 4 weeks, but it's now so big that I still see things I hadn't noticed before.  There's always a surprise, sometimes new, sometimes that I just hadn't noticed before.  It's an amazing site!
Paul C. (Italy)

Dedankt voor deze mooie en informatieve Site J-Patrick voor verzamelaars een grote database waar ik heel veel uithalen kan en die mij meerdere malen geholpen heeft. Tevens is het prachtig dat je als verzamelaar je zeldzame vondsten bij kunt laten plaatsen en zo ook andere verzamelaars van je vondsten kan laten genieten. Een prachtige en accurate Site!
J. hessels (NL, contributor)

Thank you so much for the information! Good work you are doing with the virtual museum. My interest for compasses started when I realized that a friend of mine was in need of some directions in his life. I wanted to give him a compass as a symbolic gift, and started googling. I came over Compassipedia, and have learnt to admire and appreciate the beauty and perfection of these items. Now, I am looking forward to give my friend one of the compasses I bought from the museum, - but just in case I will keep one myself :-)
C.T. (Norway)
I looked at the compasses on your web site. (Great site by the way!!!) I did not see any compasses with a head and ring like mine...
(Some time later after the museum's curator could help...)
THANK-YOU!!!!! This is the exact information I was looking for. I have donated $40 for these efforts. You have greatly helped us with a small piece of our family history. 
Christopher R. Forsythe (Canada)

(...) Ich finde diese Art von Wissenserhalt einfach super. Darum freut es mich auch, dass Sie diesen alten russischen Kompass ersteigert haben. Hier findet er den richtigen Platz, um der Nachwelt erhalten zu bleiben.
Ich wünsche Ihnen weiterhin viel Erfolg für dieses Museum.
Dieter Ziegler (D)

Wenn sich jemand wirklich viel Mühe gibt und Zeit investiert, um eine derart beeindruckende Zusammenstellung von Informationen über Kompasse zu publizieren, dann muss man denjenigen doch wohl auch unterstützen.
Michael Staudt (D)

Soyez persuadé que votre modestie honore la grande qualité de votre travail dans la présentation de votre beau musée virtuel.
Ch. VECK (F)

Encore mes compliments pour l'extraordinaire musée que vous avez créé. C'est presque une portion d'immortalité pour nous.
Marc CHAIX (fabricant de boussoles, F)

Ihr Wissen ist sehr beeindruckend. Mein Kompass, in Ihrer unglaublichen und sehr professionellen Sammlung, es ist mir eine Ehre.
Andreas Hönigsberger (Österreich)
Your site probably does more good than you’ll ever know. It’s a precious online jewel, giving people from all over the world the opportunity to learn something they needed to know, and you’ll never know all the benefit it brings, never get feedback from 99% of them. It’s the greatest sort of gift…
P. Gully (Canada)

Thank you so much for being the conservateur of the interesting items found on your site, and for making them available! Patti Gully (Canada)

I do appreciate your high level professional comments and very interesting information ! Thank you.
Pavel Maskin (Moscow, RU)

I congratulate you on your one-man effort to preserve knowledge about a rather ignored, highly important invention that was a major foundation piece to 'modern' navigation and cartography as we know it. Frankly the years I spent working in surveying starting as a rear chainman and working my way up to an instrument man were the _best_ years in the best job I _Ever_ had. So I've always been interested in surveying instruments, especially compasses. So when I ran across your site I thought you wouldn't say no to any financial assistance to help preserve data on compasses.
Jim Skladany (donator, USA)

Your website and Google's search engine make identifying an old object absurdly easy. Thanks for what you are doing!
Richard Linstrom (donator, USA)

Congratulations on a brilliant website, it is very useful! Cressida Staddon (USA)
Je suis Docteur en histoire des Sciences et des techniques spécialisé sur la mine et collectionneur d'objets miniers et je possède deux boussoles de mines. Je viens de découvrir votre site : FELICITATIONS ! congratulations ! Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu Ihrer Website!
P. C. Guiollard (donateur, F)

My name is Henrik P. and I'm in charge of the mechanical products business at Suunto (compasses and mechanical precision instruments). I recently found your very ambitious and nice Online Compass museum and would like to congratulate you on your initiative and work done.
Henrik P., SUUNTO (F)

Vous n'avez pas à me remercier [pour mon don] : c'est le fruit de vos recherches et de votre travail sur ma boussole.
De plus, je tiens à vous remercier pour votre aide, vos conseils, et votre sympathie envers moi. En effet, il est assez rare de trouver une personne aussi passionnante, investie et sérieuse que vous.
Aurore N. (F, donateur)

Wir hoffen, wir konnten mit unserer Recherche [zu ROSPINI] behilflich sein, und wünschen Ihnen weiter viel Erfolg für das Kompassmuseum. Wir werden Ihre Homepage mit Sicherheit öfters besuchen und den Fortschritt mit Interesse im Auge behalten. Optik, Feinmechanik und technische Geschichte können auf diese Weise der Öffentlichkeit auf ausgezeichnete Art und Weise weitervermittelt werden.
Für die Stadt Graz : Dr. Peter Grabensberger - Abteilungsvorstand Kulturamt
Je trouve votre site, résultat de votre travail, supérieurement intéressant : chaque fois que je le visite, j'y reste au moins une demi-heure. Cette collection est vraiment impressionnante par son ampleur et son éclectisme. Non seulement ce site présente des matériels rares mais donne des informations tout aussi rares et difficiles à trouver.
Longue vie au Musée de la Boussole, qu'il perdure et croisse pendant longtemps.
Martin Chauffrey (F, donateur)

Please let me say how much I enjoyed looking through your Web site.
Steve Bell (USA, donator)

I was browsing the internet for information on Bézard and I found your excellent virtual museum with lots of background information. Thank you for sharing.
L.C. van der Weel (NL, donator)

I must say you have one great looking and unique site! Compassipedia Museum is a great place, lots of precious info and pics!
Marko Ðurdevic (Belgrad / Serbia)

Danke für die außergewöhnlich gut dokumentierte und interessante Informationen im Internet-Kompassmuseum.
Håkan Sahlin (Major a.D., Schwedische Artillerie, M.Sc. und M.Ed.)

A fantastic site to see and research these instruments, both great and small. Thanks for keeping the work of craftsmen, makers, inventors and those who used their work alive.
Ron Blauch (donator)

I found your help in researching my hand transit to be very informative and professional. Thank you.

Thank you for setting up such a fascinating website. I will continue to browse it.
Fred M. Schwartz (USA)

Thank you for being out on the net with your wonderful website. I have enjoyed browsing through it.
Rob Danen (NL)

Ho trovato il vostro sito perché ho comprato in internet una bussola ungherese, così mi sono messo a cercare notizie su di essa: le notizie le ho trovate subito, ma poi sono rimasto sul vostro sito per tutto il pomeriggio veramente interessato dalla completezza e varietà delle informazioni.  Il vostro sito è bello e ben fatto, affascinante, costruito con grande cura e perizia. Se avessi visitato un museo reale, sarei stato lieto di pagare un biglietto che contribuisse a mantenere il museo sempre al meglio. Così ho fatto per un museo che vale la pena di essere visitato.
Giampaolo Maria Leproni (donator, Italy)
This has been a great site to browse through.
Kyle Katzmann (USA)
Durch Zufall habe ich heute Ihre Internet-Seite entdeckt. Dazu kann ich Ihnen nur gratulieren! Natürlich habe ich sie mir gleich als Nachschlagewerk notiert.
Ingrid Steinbrich-Fricke (

Dear Sir, Firstly I want to express you my appreciation for your site, that is a real mine of information!
Andrea Marogna (Italy)

Compass museum is a wonderful reference/resource/archive, I am very grateful it exists.
Paul Escolar

Félicitations pour votre site très bien fait !
Gérard "easyred" (F?)

Continued success to your online museum.
Clifford M. Nelson, Ph.D. Geologist and Historian - U.S. Geological Survey

I have actually done research on your website before. It is very nice and a lot of good information.
Brian (

Thank you. Great job on the website.
John Gartner (USA)

I want to tell you that your Compass Museum is an act of pure unadulterated generosity to compass collectors. You have put a lot of time and effort in this, and I commend you! In so many ways, it does fill in many many gaps, and continues to do so. It is a one-of-a kind.  It is also non-static... organic, and grows all the time. Absolutely Kool.
Jack Armstrong (USA)

Congratulations on your excellent website and online Museum.
Michael McCaughan (UK - Ulster)

Great site, keep up the good work!
Mark Smith (USA)
Thank you for providing such an outstanding resource, being your "Compassipedia" web site. It is a credit to you and a wonderful and unique collection of knowledge and history.
Gerry Gledhill (AU)

First of all I would like to thank you for a very informative web site. It is a great resource.
Bob Thacker (UK)

I am enjoying your collection very much. Keep up your work as you are keeping some very nice history alive.
Ari Green (USA)

Today is the first time I have noticed about the Compass Museum, and it seems very interesting. I'm a beginner compass collector, and I'm sure this museum will be essential to enjoy and learn more about my new hobby.
Adrián Luaces de Repáraz  (Spain)

I wish you best of luck with your meticulous research and expanding your very thorough and informative website!
Kornelia Takacs. (L.A., USA - Author of the book Compass Chronicles - see LINKS).

I have photos and information on several compasses which might be of interest, or which might fill in some of the gaps on your excellent & very useful site.
Steven Wiggins (GB)

Tout d'abord, félicitations pour votre site internet plein d'informations intéressantes !
Sylvain Charbonnier (F)

Thank you very much. I will be happy to send a small donation to help you maintain a cool and informative website/museum.
Douglas Critchfield (USA, donator)

Fascinating Images ! Thank you for your website on the history and variety of compasses.
Chris Jarvis (Canada)

C'est superbe, il y a tout et avec des détails étonnants. Merci.
toutela78 (F)

Je trouve que vous faites un travail remarquable sur votre site et qu'il mérite à être connu.
Didier Anquez (F)
First, I must say your website is fascinating, I have learned so much and will spend many more hours learning and hopefully contributing to your site monetarily to continue your great work.
John Molineaux (USA)

I think that the museum is GREAT. Personally I learn a lot from it and often refer back to it. Also found out some great stuff on most of the units I have.  Got more photos if needed! What a privilege to be on your site!!!
David Geras (HR)

Mes compliments pour le développement de votre site, en particulier "boussoles topo et d'artillerie". Vraiment un beau travail de mémoire.
Marc Chaix (F, dons d'instruments anciens)

Thanks for having a most informative web site. Really enjoyed visiting. Thanks,
Robert Miller (UK)

Je viens de découvrir votre site qui est très intéressant.
Roland Rogowski (F)

J'ai regardé votre site avec intérêt. Tous mes compliments.
Michel Bergouignan (F)

Je connaissais déjà votre site que je consulte régulièrement.
Didier Kaiman (F)

Thanks for the wonderful website!!! I have spent hours in it now that I have found it!
David Horne (GB)

Hi, just to say thank you so much for your help and kindness, I will be able to tell my friend a little bit about this compass now and I am sure he will be thrilled with it.
Elizabeth F. (UK)

Thank's a lot for your answer! I'll try to put some donations for Your museum nearest days ! Again big thanks for you.
Ilya Kakurin (Russia)

Thanks so much for maintaining this site. With your information i was able to track down a user manual from K&R that pertains to a Wilkie Meridian.
Russ Watkins (USA)

Vielen dank für Ihre schnelle Antwort. Selbstverständlich können sie die Bilder verwenden. Schon allein, weil Ihr online Museum so genial aufgebaut ist !!!
Andreas Rieder (D)

J'ai découvert votre excellent (le mot est faible !) site il y a 2 semaines alors que je cherchais un "bezard compass" sur le net. J'ai envoyé l'adresse de votre site à plusieurs de mes amis collectionneurs et je sais que comme moi, ils l'ont mis dans "mes favoris".
Bruno Laurens (F)
Félicitations par la même occasion pour votre cyber musée qui est une mine de renseignements intéressants!
C.E. (F)

I just happened to reach the compass museum by accident, and found the page interesting.
Ingemar Tommos (Sweden)

I have recently came upon your site via links from other sites dealing with compasses and collecting and found it to be very interesting. I am also a collector of compasses and have some information that you may be interested in.
Yvon Duchesne (F)

Have decided to look into the net and discover all the compasses which I have in my nice collection which I have been collecting during the past 20+ years. Surfing the net I came across your GREAT site which I was so happy to learn that many of my objects are special players of your museum. I have still many more which are still not in your pages and will be happy to send you photos and humble explanations of these items, may-be even get help with some I really do not know their history.
David Geras (HR)

I am very glad because I can see my domestic marching compasses Teleoptik M-49 and M-53. At the end, I can say that you have a very interesting web page.
Dejan (Serbia) ...

Quel plaisir de vous lire et vous dire toute mon admiration et souligner votre promptitude à me répondre.
Emile Lacasse (Québec)

Zuerst einmal meine Hochachtung für Ihre informative Seite.
Henrik Michel (D)

It’s looking FANTASTIC! Congratulations, it’s a really super site! The Escape Compass category is a good idea. Sun compasses are also a big subject...
Paul Crespel (Jersey, contributor and donator of instruments)

Tout d'abord, je tiens à vous féliciter pour votre site, qui est magnifique et riche en infos! Je tiens également a vous remercier de votre réponse. Bonne continuation.
Julien (F)

En premier lieu, merci pour votre réponse, c'est agréable de se connecter avec des collectionneurs courtois. Je regrette de ne pas être tombé sur votre site plus tôt. Cordialement et bonne continuation.
Constant et Natacha Lambrinidis (F)

I wanted to thank you for your web site. You're the only one to speak about these NATO (escape) compasses. You've done a great job.
Alexis Chapat (F)

Vielen Dank für die interessanten Auskünfte, die ich auf Ihrer Website gefunden habe.
Rudi Moreau (B)

Merci et félicitations pour votre très beau site.

You have one of the most remarkable collector websites I have ever seen.
J. M. Torrusio (USA)
Super l'article sur la boussole de qibla (religions / islam). Félicitations pour le site.
Boukanier51 (F)

... merci pour l'info, je tiens à vous féliciter pour votre site, chapeau !
Gonzaloma (F)

I should add that your Museum is excellent - one of the best things of its kind that I've ever seen on the internet. It has helped greatly in understanding these things.
Sean Coster (UK)

I am amazed at all the compasses shown on your site and I admire the beauty of them.
Loretta (US)

Je viens de découvrir votre site. Je vous félicite vivement pour le travail effectué.
M. Collignon (F, ancien fabricant de boussoles, généreux donateur d'instruments et contributeur fidèle)